#!/usr/bin/env sh # Copyright 2022 ActiveState Software Inc. All rights reserved. # URL to fetch update infos from. BASE_INFO_URL="https://platform.activestate.com/sv/state-update/api/v1/info" # URL to fetch installer archive from BASE_FILE_URL="https://state-tool.s3.amazonaws.com/update/state" # Path to the installer executable in the archive. INSTALLERNAME="state-install/state-installer" # Channel the installer will target CHANNEL="release" # The version to install (autodetermined to be the latest if left unspecified) VERSION="" # the download exetension DOWNLOADEXT=".tar.gz" # the installer extension BINARYEXT="" SHA256SUM="sha256sum" SESSION_TOKEN_VERIFY="{TOKEN""}" SESSION_TOKEN="_pdli01" SESSION_TOKEN_VALUE="" if [ "$SESSION_TOKEN" != "$SESSION_TOKEN_VERIFY" ]; then SESSION_TOKEN_VALUE=$SESSION_TOKEN fi getopt() { opt=$1; shift default=$1; shift i=0 for arg in $@; do i=$((i + 1)) && [ "${arg}" != "$opt" ] && continue echo "$@" | cut -d' ' -f$(($i + 1)) && return done echo $default } CHANNEL=$(getopt "-b" "$CHANNEL" $@) VERSION=$(getopt "-v" "$VERSION" $@) if [ -z "${TERM}" ] || [ "${TERM}" = "dumb" ]; then OUTPUT_OK="" OUTPUT_ERROR="" OUTPUT_END="" else OUTPUT_OK=`tput setaf 2` OUTPUT_ERROR=`tput setaf 1` OUTPUT_END=`tput sgr0` fi progress () { printf "• %s... " "$1" } progress_done() { echo "${OUTPUT_OK}✔ Done${OUTPUT_END}" } progress_fail() { echo "${OUTPUT_ERROR}x Failed${OUTPUT_END}" } error () { echo "$OUTPUT_ERROR${1}$OUTPUT_END" } # Determine the current OS. case `uname -s` in Linux) OS="linux" DOWNLOADEXT=".tar.gz" ;; *BSD) OS=`uname -s | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'` error "BSDs not supported yet" exit 1 ;; Darwin) OS="darwin" DOWNLOADEXT=".tar.gz" SHA256SUM="shasum -a 256" ;; MINGW*|MSYS*) OS="windows" DOWNLOADEXT=".zip" BINARYEXT=".exe" ;; *) error "Unsupported OS: `uname -s`" exit 1 ;; esac # Determine a fetch method if [ ! -z "`command -v wget`" ]; then FETCH="wget -q -O" elif [ ! -z "`command -v curl`" ]; then FETCH="curl -sS -o" else error "Either wget or curl is required to download files" exit 1 fi # Determine the tmp directory. if [ -z "$TMPDIR" ]; then TMPDIR="/tmp" fi INSTALLERTMPDIR="$TMPDIR/state-install-$RANDOM" mkdir -p "$INSTALLERTMPDIR" if [ -z "$VERSION" ]; then # If the user did not specify a version, formulate a query to fetch the JSON info of the latest # version, including where it is. JSONURL="$BASE_INFO_URL?channel=$CHANNEL&source=install&platform=$OS" elif [ -z "`echo $VERSION | grep -o '\-SHA'`" ]; then # If the user specified a partial version (i.e. no SHA), formulate a query to fetch the JSON info # of that version's latest SHA, including where it is. VERSIONNOSHA="$VERSION" VERSION="" JSONURL="$BASE_INFO_URL?channel=$CHANNEL&source=install&platform=$OS&target-version=$VERSIONNOSHA" else # If the user specified a full version with SHA, formulate a query to fetch the JSON info of that # version. VERSIONNOSHA="`echo $VERSION | sed 's/-SHA.*$//'`" JSONURL="$BASE_INFO_URL?channel=$CHANNEL&source=install&platform=$OS&target-version=$VERSIONNOSHA" fi # Fetch version info. $FETCH $INSTALLERTMPDIR/info.json $JSONURL if [ $? -ne 0 -o ! -z "`grep -o Invalid $INSTALLERTMPDIR/info.json`" ]; then error_message=$(grep -o '"message":"[^"]*"' $INSTALLERTMPDIR/info.json | cut -d':' -f2 | sed 's/"//g') if [ -n "$error_message" ]; then error "Could not download a State Tool installer, recieved error message: $error_message" else error "Could not download a State Tool installer for the given command line arguments" fi exit 1 fi # Extract checksum. SUM=`cat $INSTALLERTMPDIR/info.json | sed -ne 's/.*"sha256":[ \t]*"\([^"]*\)".*/\1/p'` if [ -z "$VERSION" ]; then # If the user specified no version or a partial version we need to use the json URL to get the # actual installer URL. VERSION=`cat $INSTALLERTMPDIR/info.json | sed -ne 's/.*"version":[ \t]*"\([^"]*\)".*/\1/p'` if [ -z "$VERSION" ]; then error "Unable to retrieve the latest version number" exit 1 fi RELURL=`cat $INSTALLERTMPDIR/info.json | sed -ne 's/.*"path":[ \t]*"\([^"]*\)".*/\1/p'` else # If the user specified a full version, construct the installer URL. if [ "$VERSION" != "`cat $INSTALLERTMPDIR/info.json | sed -ne 's/.*"version":[ \t]*"\([^"]*\)".*/\1/p'`" ]; then error "Unknown version: $VERSION" exit 1 fi RELURL="$CHANNEL/$VERSIONNOSHA/$OS-amd64/state-$OS-amd64-$VERSION$DOWNLOADEXT" fi # Fetch the requested or latest version. progress "Preparing Installer for State Tool Package Manager version $VERSION" STATEURL="$BASE_FILE_URL/$RELURL" ARCHIVE="$OS-amd64$DOWNLOADEXT" $FETCH $INSTALLERTMPDIR/$ARCHIVE $STATEURL # wget and curl differ on how to handle AWS' "Forbidden" result for unknown versions. # wget will exit with nonzero status. curl simply creates an XML file with the forbidden error. # If curl was used, make sure the file downloaded is not an XML file (i.e. it does not start with "<?xml"). # If wget returned an error or curl fetched a "forbidden" response, raise an error and exit. if [ $? -ne 0 -o \( "`echo $FETCH | grep -o 'curl'`" = "curl" -a ! -z "`grep -o '^<?xml' $INSTALLERTMPDIR/$ARCHIVE`" \) ]; then rm -f $INSTALLERTMPDIR/$ARCHIVE progress_fail error "Could not download the State Tool installer at $STATEURL. Please try again." exit 1 fi # Verify checksum. if [ "`$SHA256SUM -b $INSTALLERTMPDIR/$ARCHIVE | cut -d ' ' -f1`" != "$SUM" ]; then error "SHA256 sum did not match:" error "Expected: $SUM" error "Received: `$SHA256SUM -b $INSTALLERTMPDIR/$ARCHIVE | cut -d ' ' -f1`" error "Aborting installation." exit 1 fi # Extract it. if [ $OS = "windows" ]; then # Work around bug where MSYS produces a path that looks like `C:/temp` rather than `C:\temp` INSTALLERTMPDIRW=$(echo $(cd $INSTALLERTMPDIR && pwd -W) | sed 's|/|\\|g') powershell -command "& {&'Expand-Archive' -Force '$INSTALLERTMPDIRW\\$ARCHIVE' '$INSTALLERTMPDIRW'}" else tar -xzf $INSTALLERTMPDIR/$ARCHIVE -C $INSTALLERTMPDIR || exit 1 fi chmod +x $INSTALLERTMPDIR/$INSTALLERNAME$BINARYEXT progress_done echo "" # Run the installer. ACTIVESTATE_SESSION_TOKEN=$SESSION_TOKEN_VALUE $INSTALLERTMPDIR/$INSTALLERNAME$BINARYEXT "$@" --source-installer="install.sh" # Remove temp files rm -r $INSTALLERTMPDIR